North Downs, South downs, Cuckmere Haven, Beachy Head, Dover Cliffs, Coldrum Long Barrow
Sunrise over London shot from a helicopter at low altitude
Aerial shots of Los Angeles
California, English Channel, Battersea, Iceland, Yorkshire,
Crystal palace National Sports Centre, London
‘Golden hour’ aerial images shot from a helicopter
London city Architecture
Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, Moab
Madrid, Frankfurt, Monaco, Matera
Ads for Gatwick AIrport Parking
Stills for United Airways
Funfair in Barcelona
Sunrise take off for photo shoot
Unusual views of workplaces in London
National Sports Centre, Crystal Palace, London
WW Memorial: France, Olympic Aquatic Centre: London, Abney Cemetery: London, Meteora: Greece, Canada House, London, Arches National Park: USA, Golden Gate Bridge, Geyser: Iceland, Aquatic Centre: London
Iconic Buildings: London, New York, Galicia, Bilbao, Santander, Northern France
Aerial views of San francisco
Monument Valley, Bryce Canyon, Arches National Park
London Underground
Honolulu, Diamond Head, Tropical Rain Forest Oahu
Images of London captured from a helicopter or from surrounding tall buildings
The Rocks at Pyalong, Melbourne, Australia. Monument Valley, USA. Meteora, Greece
Drax Power Station, Yorkshire
Jet trails. London
Aerial views of Chicago
Death Valley, USA. Joshua Tree, USA,
Island of Madeira. Canary Wharf, London
Aerial views of Tokyo
Manly, Australia. Croyde, Cornwall UK.
Hong Kong, Bangkok, Sydney, San Francisco, Matera. Denver, Houston, Tokyo
Grand Central: USA. Kings Cross, Liverpool St, St Pancras: London
Madeira: Portugal. Daintree: Australia. Milford Haven: NZ. Franz Josef Glacier: NZ. Iceland. Hong Kong
Analogue images from the last century
Maunsell Forts, Notre Dame de Lorette international memorial, Bishopsgate, City of London, River Thames, Bay of Kotor